…not Leah Totton but the organisation that takes the opportunity to ‘Grow your own’ through the new national Higher Apprenticeship for Project Management scheme launched September 2012.
Was she, or any of them for that matter, actually ever a ‘Project Manager’ for any of their assignments? Well, they were accountable, and the Sponsor was quite apparent. He even gave them a clear brief containing Scope, Time, Cost and success criteria. But none of them actually displayed use of any of the tools of the trade that we professionals might employ, such as those described in the PM Body of Knowledge. If they attended a Higher Apprenticeship for PM they would have picked up not only the knowledge but also demonstrated the application of tools like Planning & Estimation, Risk & Issue Management in their work environment.
More importantly, I did not see evidence of the traits, behaviours and skills required for effective project management. These can be seen in the PM Competence Framework, and the Apprenticeship includes modules on Leadership, Stakeholder Management, Communication, Team Working. Again, we do not just cover the knowledge aspects but also assess application in the workplace. That would come in handy on the show – what about in your organisation?
On top of all these goodies, the less well qualified amongst them would have also picked up a Diploma in Project Management (QCF level 4 – equivalent to HND), which also comes with an upgrade route through degree and Masters qualifications. (Just in case the Joint Venture with Sir Alan Sugar doesn’t work out).
In February, after external accreditation, the Higher Apprenticeships for Project Management was launched by Milton Keynes College in partnership with project management consultancy Peak Performance. The first intake is scheduled to start in September. So, if you are thinking of trying your hand at The Apprentice next year, or even looking to build your Project delivery capability by ‘growing your own’, then download an information flier and get in touch with us to discuss how we can become your partner. It might not make you a fortune, but it could help to stop you losing one on some of your projects.
‘By creating new higher apprenticeship opportunities for young people to develop project management skills up to degree equivalent, we will build stronger companies and re-define the concept of higher education’
John Hayes, Minister of State for Further Education
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